Rechtsanwältin Nicole Eggert


German citizenship by descent

German citizenship by descent

Political and economic motives as well as wars and a thirst for adventure are probably the most common reasons that have always motivated people to emigrate. In 1555, every German was granted the right to emigrate for reasons of conscience or religion for the first time. This marked the beginning...
Modernization of the German citizenship law

Modernization of the German citizenship law

On 27 June 2024, the modernization of the German citizenship law will finally come into force. Among other things, this means that applicants will no longer have to give up their current citizenship in order to obtain German citizenship. Furthermore, an application can be submitted after five years of legal...
Family reunification of parents of skilled workers

Family reunification of parents of skilled workers

Since March 1, 2024, parents of skilled workers from third countries can apply for a German residence permit for family reunification. Previously, parents could only reunite with their adult children in cases of hardship. The parents-in-law of the skilled worker are also eligible for family reunification if the spouse of...